Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Using Flipped Learning Strategy for Teaching Computer in the Development of Analytical Thinking Skills among the Second Grade of the Secondary Stage Students in Hail City - Saudi Arabia

(Hamad A. Al-Reshidi)


The research aimed at identifying the effect of using a flipped learning strategy for teaching computer in the development of some analytical thinking skills among the second grade of the secondary stage students in Hail, Saudi Arabia. The research attempted to answer the research questions by using the descriptive approach in the preparation of the theoretical framework of the research. The research also used the experimental approach in the field research experiment. The research tools that were applied are: A List of Analytical Thinking Skills. Teacher’s Guide, A unit in the Student Book under the title ‘Information, Data and Internet Security Unit’, which included in the computer course. Besides, they were formulated by using the flipped learning strategy and the appropriate analytical thinking skills test. Furthermore, it was applied to 32 secondary-school students in Saudi Arabia. In calculating the t-test value, there was a statistically significant difference between the average scores of students in pre and post-application of the analytical thinking skills test as a whole, in favor of the post-application, which is statistically significant at 0.01. This indicates the impact of teaching the unit under the title ‘Information, Data and Internet Security Unit’, following the strategy of flipped learning, and in terms of the size and type of impact, the impact size was 0.97, and it showed a high impact strength of 10.88. This is an indication of the high impact of using the flipped learning strategy to develop the analytical thinking skills of the research group. Therefore, the research recommends using the Flipped Learning Strategy in teaching other modules of the computer, as well as in other subjects and stages of the study. KEYWORDS flipped learning strategy, analytical thinking skills


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