Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Grammaticalization in Modern Bariq Dialect

(Abdulrahman Hassan A Albariqi)


This study discusses what is known in modern linguistics as ‘grammaticalization’, a term that was translated into several Arabic counterparts, among which is ‘Alnahwanah’ that was chosen for scientific reasons. This study also addresses the definition of the term as well as the reasons of its appearance. Therefore, such a phenomenon has been detected in the dialect of Bariq, and what distinguishes that dialect from other Saudi or Arabic dialects has been observed. The study follows an analytical and descriptive method, by collecting a sample of the words from the dialect of Bariq and examining those words in light of the following criteria: tense, negation and types of the verbs. The study concludes that ‘grammaticlization’ in the contemporary dialect of Bariq has been detected in the ‘noun’, ‘verb’ and ‘particle’ in accordance with the classification of the word in Arabic grammatical literature, and that the dialect of Bariq was distinguished by the grammaticalization of (ma)negation The study recommends further research in dialects, as they are the stages on which such a phenomenon commonly emerges. KEYWORDS grammaticalization, dialect of Bariq


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