Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The National Tree of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its Role in Landscape Design
(Abdulaziz Mohamed Owaid)Abstract
The date palm played an important role in the history of the Arabian Peninsula. To that effect, King Abdulaziz adopted the date palm as an important part of the national symbol of the Kingdom. This research investigates the meaning behind including the date palm in the state symbol, and how it stems from the natural environment of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, this research examines the date palm role in the landscape and gets into the role of the date palm in the traditional architecture and how it was used as a source of building materials and furniture. Furthermore, this research studies the characteristics of the date palm, its beauty, and its visual effect and impression on the viewer. It also examines the date palm descriptions in Arabic poetry, and links them to the functional and landscape aspects of the national tree. This research ends by discussing Arabs fascination with the date palm, the symbol of their natural environment.