Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Experts' Perceptions Towards Employing the Sustainable Circular Economy in Omani Science and Social Studies Curricula

(Muna Rashid Al-Na’aimi)


The current study aimed to investigate experts' perceptions towards including the sustainable circular economy in the science and social studies curricula within the general education programmes in the Sultanate of Oman. The study used a mixed approach with an exploratory sequential design, which included two research methodologies: a quantitative approach through frequencies and percentages and a qualitative approach, the case study method. The study tool of semi-standardised interview questions was prepared, and the 20 experts comprising the study sample were interviewed. The results of the study showed that 90% of the experts sampled are in favour of educational and learning activities and 21% are in favour of the philosophy of Omani society. The experts believe that the sustainable circular economy could be best employed in the fields of sustainable manufacturing (95%), sustainable food production and consumption (70%), sustainable transportation (65%) and green infrastructure (60%). A number of recommendations and proposals are presented to address the challenges facing the inclusion of the sustainable circular economy in the general education curricula.
curriculum designers, economic activities, general education, recycling, school curricula, sustainable development


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