Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Online Trust Determinants, Consumer Perception, and Purchase Intent in Saudi E-Commerce: Exploring Determinants and Evidence
(Majed A. Helmi, Sager Alharthi and Sufyan Habib)Abstract
This study aimed to explore the growing use of the internet as a commercial sales channel, emphasising the pivotal role of trust in online consumer relationships. This research focused on Saudi e-commerce platforms (e.g. Amazon.sa, Noon, Namshi, and Shein), due to their remarkable growth over previous years, by investigating the effect of consumer trust on online purchase intentions. The study surveyed 449 Saudi online shoppers, using a structural equation model to analyse the factors that determine online trust (perceived information quality, company competency, security, and online consumer reviews) and their influence on consumer online trust and perceived risk. The results revealed significant relationships between consumer online trust and perceived information quality, company competency, and security, challenging expectations regarding the link between online consumer reviews and consumer online trust. Surprisingly, online consumer reviews primarily influenced perceived risk rather than consumer online trust, impacting purchase intention to a limited extent. The research underscores the substantial influence of consumer online trust on perceived risk and purchase intention, offering micro perspectives on online consumer behaviour. By identifying key influences, including information quality and security, this study provides theoretical and managerial insights for e-commerce platforms, guiding the development of responsible online channels.
company competency, consumer reviews, e-commerce antecedents, information quality, perceived security, Saudi consumers
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