Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Transforming Education: A Systematic Literature Review on the Practices and Policies of Entrepreneurial Universities

(Mohammed A. Alshaker and Naeem Albihany)


This systematic literature review (SLR) aims to explore the best practices and policies of entrepreneurial universities operating outside Saudi Arabia, including those in the UK, Turkey, Spain, Latvia, China, the US, Germany, and Austria. To achieve this aim, the study utilized the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses and SLR methodologies. A total of 5,000 literature studies or sources were screened, with 25 being included in the final analysis. The rationale behind conducting this study was to gain key insights into the entrepreneurial environment of universities to positively influence the education industry. The study found that in most of the selected studies, entrepreneurial universities implemented various best practices and policies that supported them in favorably shaping the education industry. These best practices and policies included promoting innovation, increasing funding levels, and developing a positive entrepreneurship culture among students. A limitation of prior relevant research is its constricted nature. However, this paper provides a novel and comprehensive perspective on the field of entrepreneurship, summarizing the ways through which entrepreneurial universities operating in any nation can shape their respective industries. 
education industry, entrepreneurial intentions, interdisciplinary nature, internationalization, pragmatism culture, spin-offs



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