Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Using Generative AI Tools to Improve Children's Story Production Skills in Early Childhood: Suggested Standards
(Ghada Nasr Huisen Elmorsy)Abstract
Story-based learning holds significance in early childhood education, as stories enrich social and linguistic interaction, imagination, and the development of values in children. The current research aims to determine the standards for producing children’s stories using some of the generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools necessary for female kindergarten teachers to improve their children’s story production skills. Using the experimental method, the study sample was purposively selected from ten kindergartens in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, for a total of 25 female teachers. A list of standards has been prepared for producing children’s stories using AI tools. The main standards included controlling generation inputs, analyzing and reviewing generation outputs, editing generation outputs, and regeneration and production, and a set of subskills were included under them. The sample underwent the training content, which consisted of six sessions with five hours of training per day. A graded performance rating scale was prepared to measure female teachers’ children’s story production skills. The results indicated the effectiveness of generative AI tools in improving children’s story production skills in light of the criteria used in the current research.
story-based learning, applications of artificial intelligence, kindergarten, narrative approach, generative linguistic models, kindergarten stage
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