Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Green Economy as a Solution for Sustainable Development

(Haouari Souad)


The green economy is a modern economic model that aims to achieve sustainable development by transforming the current traditional economy into a system that consumes natural resources sustainably and works to reduce pollution and climate change. A green economy is considered a solution for achieving sustainable development worldwide, where it can lead to economic, social, and environmental sustainability. A green economy can only be achieved by redirecting current investments from polluting industries to green industries, developing clean technology, and promoting sustainable agriculture. Research confirms that transforming the current economy into a green economy can lead to significant economic and social benefits, such as creating new job opportunities, increasing productivity, improving quality of life and enhancing human health and the environment. Therefore, countries and communities must work to promote a green economy and achieve sustainable development to preserve the planet and ensure social and economic welfare for current and future generations.


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