Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Early Approaches of Renovation in Saudi Novels Through Exile Virgin Novel

(Hassan bin Hijab al-Hazmi)


The novel "Exile virgin" is one of the novels that belongs to the maturity stage of Saudi novels development. This novel was the last work of the writer Ibrahim Al-Naser that belongs to this stage. It carried in its depth an early effort of development in the form of renovating shape and context together. The current work searches for the early steps of renovation in Saudi novels by examining the novel artistic characteristics, and the way it was judged by critics. The research concluded that the novel "Exile virgin" started the very early steps of renovating modern Saudi novels in an early time when Saudi novel was eager to prove itself and set its basics. Key word: Artistic maturity, Exile virgin, Ibrahim Al-Naser, Saudi Novel.
