Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Abdelazziz Bin Abdelrahman Alkhathlan
(Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman Khathlan)Abstract
This research deals with The Pronoun of the Shan, because there is a need to focus and track purposes of that pronoun. It comes in the forefront of predicative sentences, indicating the speakers intention to elevate the listener attention to the speech. It refers to a pronoun explained by a sentence. It also refers to a noun delayed in place and order. It could be placed in any location in sentences where nouns came before verbs. The school of Basra named this pronoun; the pronoun of (Shan), speech, and matter pronoun if it represents maleness. They also named it topic pronoun if it refers to femaleness. Kofas scholars named it Unknown (Maj-hool), or Mainsta (El-Imad).
This pronoun has many provisions including its definition, conditions, Usefulness, explanatory, rules, and positions.
This research shows that the pronoun of fact is used in the language for nonverbal rather than verbal matters to draw attention to the speech. Thus, it is not used unless the sentence emphasizes an important issue. Unlike other pronouns, it is explained by the following sentence. It matches the gender that it represents. In addition, it is always used in singular form and cannot be deleted. The exception to the deletion cases are when light forms of if, ANN, or as if, CA-ANN were used or in cases of grammer modifying letters in poetry exceptions. The pronoun cannot be non-appositive (Matboa). The sentence predicate could not proceed the pronoun.
Key Words: Basras scholars, Kofas scholars, Pronoun of Mainstay, Pronoun of the Shan.