Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Legitamate Origin of Patriotism
(Mary girl Rashid Bin Saleh Al-Tamimi)Abstract
Patriotism is a spontaneous overflowing of love, reflecting on the tongue with the best words of adoration when staying in the country and homesickness when leaving it. Patriotism is a meaning and act that generates the meanings of dignity, honor, sense of belonging and self- pride in the heart of man.
Patriotism is clearly understood through texting and mind.
Through text: In Qura n, some holy verses highlighted the strong link between man and his country as mentioned in the verse of transferring the Qibla (the direction taken by Muslim people when praying); and supplication for home country as in the supplication of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) for Mecca s people. It is also apparent in the holy verses calling for punishing those corrupting in their home countries by docking them in exile and fighting with the infidels if they force the Muslims out of their home country.
Sunnah also has referred to prophet Mohamed s love and belonging to both Mecca and Madina and that he forced Jewish out of the country only when they broke their pacts. It was also mentioned that the most difficult time experienced by prophet Mohamed when he traveled from Mecca to Taef to call its people to Islam. When he decided to come back to Mecca, it was with difficulty and through the help of Matem Bin Adi. Prophet Mohamed kept the favor of Bin Adi to the extent that he said after Bader Battle:8221; If Bin Adi were still alive and asked me to free the captives, I would fulfill his demand for the favor he made.8221;
Through Mind: the belonging to the country has been underlined by the mind through the following points:
1. Syllogism: by likening home country to house as both places provide the person with a feeling of stability.
2. Mind Amelioration and Ugliness underlines that all good people have a sense of patriotism; and pray for Allah to keep the home country safe. Those who seek corruption on earth are generally characterized by losing their sense of belonging to their country.
Key Words: Legitamate, National belonging, Patriotism