Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Influence of the Low Variety in Advertisements: The Saudi Context
(Yasir Zayed Alasiri)Abstract
This study aims to investigate the psychological impact of the Saudi low variety (henceforth, it will be referred to as “SLV”) in enticing prospective customers to their commercial products or services. It proceeds from a premise that the marketing messages employed by business providers massively influences our opinions about a product or a business establishment. In order to validate such a view, 80 native speakers of SLV, representing 2 groups of simple (regular consumers) and stratified (advertisers) samplings, participated in the study. Each group consisted of 40 subjects. They were requested to fill out a questionnaire that included two questions; each question included 10 options, representing high (Modern Standard Arabic) and SLV. The findings from the data analysis reveal that the marketing message code conveyed in SLV influences customers’ and business providers’ selling and purchasing inclinations and preferences.
Low variety, high variety, marketing, code choice, psychology, language variation
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