Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Factors Affecting the Grade Point Average (GPA) as Seen by Low GPA Students in Bishah Teachers College, KSA

(Mohammed Abdullah Al-Amr)


The present study is a result of the researcher s observation of the increasing number of the low Grade Point Average (GPA) students in Bishah Teachers College, KSA. The study aims at finding out the reasons that lead to this phenomena by answering the following questions: 1. What are the factors related to the courses? 2. What are the factors related to the teachers? 3. What are the factors related to the students social status? 4. What are the factors related to the economic status? A sample of 120 low GPA students in Bishah Teachers College, KSA, was selected for the study in order to find answers for these questions. The researcher prepared a scale to measure the factors that the GPAs of those students were so low. The scale indicated enough stability and consistency rates. The outcome of the study showed that the factors can be classified as follows: 1. Unwilling admission to the college (93.3%) 2. Parental divorce (91.6%) 3. Living away from family (88.3%) 4. Negative attitude towards some courses (87.5%) 5. Over watching TV (85.8%) 6. Teachers inconsistent evaluation of the students performance (84.1%) 7. Non-educational activities (83.3%) 8. Poor education at the pre-tertiary level (80.8%) The main recommendations indicate the importance of founding more educational and counseling centers in teachers colleges to cater for the needs of the students who have psychological and social problems. The admission and registration procedures should be developed to accommodate the students choices of their majors. In addition, the students need to be more aware of the mental, psychological and behavioral dangers of over-watching TV.
