Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Multiple Intelligences and the Evaluation of Giftedness with a Sample of Gifted Secondary Students
(Samia Mokhtar Shahpo and Noha Hassan Alfadil)Abstract
The research aims at identifying reasonable more common and disappointing to the gifted secondary school students and to discover if the statistically significant difference in the types of multiple intelligences of gifted secondary school students is due to having a grade or not. It is important for this research to prove that there is a need for plans and programs to aid in the development of gifted female students. The study sample consisted of 85 gifted students, with an average age of 17.15 years, and a standard deviation of 8.42 percent. Current research applies the descriptive research method. The research used a list of multiple intelligence questions to assess talent. The following are the results of the research: Gifted students were sorted according to their multiple intelligence aptitude as follows; logical and mathematical intelligence, social intelligence, physical movement, personal intelligence, spatial intelligence, linguistic intelligence and finally musical intelligence. There were no statistically significant differences that could be attributed to the classroom environment, including the element of multiple intelligences, that affected gifted students.
Education, excellence, innovation, mental capacity, giftedness
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