Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Syntactically-Correct Structures that Are Semantically Unacceptable
(Abdel Fattah Mohamed Abboush)Abstract
When Arabic syntacticians studied Arabic language structures together with all their possible structures, they pondered about many undecided expressions; they managed – through what they called syntax construction – to deduce syntactic rules that match the meanings of these expressions. The syntactic rules, together with their matching expressions, are the goal of Arabic language structures. Syntacticians, however, stopped at some expressions that are syntactically correct, but semantically unacceptable; most of the syntactic rules governing these expressions are found in books that tried to syntactically interpret the holy Qur’an. The main objectives of this research are to inspect these syntactic rules, trace them and examine them in the lights of the standardised syntactic rules followed by previous and modern grammarians. This research shows some of these expressions that agree with these rules and rejects those that do not conform to them. It applies a descriptive approach for analysing the data, together with the inductive method for investigation. This research concludes with some important findings, correcting some syntactic rules and procedures used in syntactic interpretation for both modern grammarians and for previous Qur’an interpreters. The study also confirms the importance of the linking words and linguistic connectors used with syntactic structures and their matching expressions in both Arabic language and Qur’anic verses.
Syntactic rules, syntactic interpretation, expressions, discourse, Arabs, meanings
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