Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Implementation of Active Learning by Female Secondary School Sharia Teachers
(Zinab Abdullah Alzayed and Tawfiq Ibrahim Al-Bedaiw)Abstract
Active learning is a method whereby learners engage in activities such as reading, writing, discussion and/or problem solving. This study aims to define the extent of encouraging active learning of Sharia by secondary school female teachers. The study importance is relevant as active learning is necessary for the improvement of secondary education. The study also seeks to provide field information needed to plan train programs on methods of encouraging active learning for Sharia teachers. A descriptive approach is used. An observation card is designed to assess the practicing level of the methods. The study community contains all female teachers of Sharia sciences in public secondary schools in Riyadh (595 teachers). A random sample consists of 30 female teachers is drawn. Statistical processes for data are conducted using percentages, frequencies and means. The results show a weak level of practicing methods of encouraging active learning during lessons implementation, classroom management and evaluation, with a mean of 2.04. This value falls below the level of poor practice, indicating that teachers use traditional methods in Sharia sciences instruction. The research suggests several recommendations, including training teachers on the skills that enable them to practice methods of encouraging active learning, focusing on the practical side of Sharia and its link with the field of specialization and developing a mechanism for monitoring teachers’ practice of these methods. KEYWORDS Active learning, secondary school, Sharia, Sharia teachers
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