Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Effectiveness of an Aerobic Sport Program in Developing Motor and Functional Efficiency of Elderly in Saudi Arabia
(Mahmoud I Marei and Amani M Elbatrawy)Abstract
Middle-age men suffer from a gradual decline in their motor and functional fitness level. This coincides with an increase in daily life and work pressure, in addition to psychological problems. These complications increase because of an inaccurate belief about the changes in this stage that aged persons must have a greater deal of comfort and fewer responsibilities. Therefore, the current study is about employing exercise influences of a recreational step aerobics sport program to reduce the manifestations of decline in motor and functional fitness for middle-aged men over 50. A random sample of 30 office worker men from Hofuf is selected and divided into two incapable groups according to the implication measurements. The first group is assigned to the experimental exercise program of step aerobics, 3 training units per week of 50 to 70% of Heart rate reserves intensity for 12-weeks. The second group is used as a control group performing daily office job chores in the same context of the regulatory timetable. The results demonstrate the feasibility of the recreational step aerobics exercises in bringing about an effective impact on the development of measured motor and functional fitness variables. It shows a significant difference between the two groups in favor of the experimental group for the measurements of body composition, health status and elements of fitness related-health as measured by a battery of Eurofit for adults. This is in contrast with the infeasibility of daily activities and work conducted by the control group where deterioration in motor and functional abilities kept advancing at the normal rates of their respected ages. The study recommends conducting more research on the impact of mix aerobics exercises with step aerobics on the development rate of the biological and emotional status of middle-aged Saudi personal. KEYWORDS Body Composition, Elderly 50+, Health-related fitness, Motor and functional efficiency, Saudi Arabia, Step Aerobics
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