Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Dictionary of Kids’ Games and their Tools and Equipment
(Laila Tawfiq Al-Omari)Abstract
The dictionary sheds light on kids’ games that are accompanied by their tools and equipment in language and poetry, two subjects whose seeker cannot dispense with in compilation regardless of whether they are in agreement or not in describing a game or its multiple description in either one, and the value of one of them in comparison with the other, a value manifest in supplying the researcher with plentiful material revealed by this dictionary. The significance of kids’ games dictionary is ascribed to its introducing the Arab reader in the modern age to his/her heritage of which games, that constitute apart have facilitated the researcher’s revelation of an important aspect of the social activity of the ancient Arab society, especially the Pre-Islamic Age being the oldest as to introducing us not only to kids’ earliest attempts to meditate upon finding games they relied on as the basis in succeeding ages to develop them, add something new to them, or renovate others, but also to their practicing games in a spontaneous manner subject to inherited social traditions, their being able to make use of the milieu that provides them with the raw materials helpful for their games formation marked by simplicity both in tools and performance, and their acquiring certain values from playing, such as the development of the group spirit, and the subordination of self-interest to those of others. To help the reader with understanding the title and accomplishing the job of compiling a dictionary for kids’ games, the researcher cannot but explain the meanings of “playing and game”, two idioms semantically connected with the topic, clarify the difference between “playing”, a spontaneous activity practiced by the individual for joy and relaxation, and “work” which is a specific – goal – driven activity conducted by the individual, and clear up the linguists’ views of the word “kids” to go on to the other ages involved in this idiom and in the dictionary games descriptions which are in harmony with those of the heritage books that hold them to be theirs, or to be of those of the like. Those involved are the kid, boy, lass, and the slave girl. KEYWORDS game; games; kid; kids; lass; playing
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