Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Plastic Creativity of Contemporary Saudi Art in the Illumination of Multiculturalism

(Shatha Brahim Alasqha)


The rapid development of technology and social openness in the present era contributed to the interdependence and plurality of cultures, which was instrumental in the development of plastic arts around the world. Contemporary Saudi visual art has been influenced by this openness and is reflected in a number of his plastic works. This led the researcher to study the role of multiculturalism in the creativity of contemporary Saudi plastic art, where the study aimed to reveal this creativity in the light of multiculturalism. By highlighting the artistic creativity of the contemporary Saudi art, and explaining the role of multiculturalism in it. To achieve this, an analytical descriptive approach was used to verify the relationship between the artistic creativity of the contemporary Saudi artist and the cultural diversity that society is currently experiencing. Through addressing the artistic creativity of a number of contemporary Saudi artists, and to clarify the implications of multiculturalism in their work. Key Words: Art Creation, Cultural Diversity, Fine Art ,Globalization, Saudi Art.


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