Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Pragmatic Reading of Text and the Issue of Interpretation

(Huda Bint Abdulrahman Al Drees)


This research deals with literary and critical phenomena related to reading literary texts, and various issues linked to it. It also scrutinizes the phenomena of using the text in terms of defining its concept and terminology, exploring its issues, and the conclusions resulting from it. This term includes any pragmatic reading of the text that interprets it according to the reader's prior desire without consulting the strategy of the text to reach its implicit meaning. This research is based on reception theory, using a descriptive approach. The work concludes that pragmatic reading of any text violates it, and results in over-interpretation to coincide with the reader's desire. This could lead to making subjective criticism and reaching faulty conclusions. Therefore, the reader must be stripped of any prejudice and previous judgments that may lead to violating the text, it in order to be able to judge it objectively. Key Words: Interpretation, Over-interpretation.


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