Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Physical Education Teachers and their Knowledge of Observation and Analysis Skills
(Mohamed Dahy Abass Hassan)Abstract
Knowledge and information related to qualitative kinetic analysis involve personal experiences, which are of great importance in physical education. Teachers conduct qualitative analysis, which is concerned with the observation and analysis of skill performance, evaluation, diagnosis, and the provision of feedback to students. The present study aimed to identify the knowledge of the skills of observation and analysis accumulated by physical education teachers in the Eastern Province of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The researcher used the descriptive method, which was well suited to the nature of the research. A sample of 194 teachers was chosen from physical education teachers in the Educational Administration in Al-Ahsa Governorate. For data collection, the researcher used the accumulative knowledge test of observation and analysis skills. The most important finding was that subjects scored 65% for correct answers in the cognitive test, while the remaining answers were incorrect. This means that the 35% of physical education teachers failed to reach the required level of performance analysis. The researcher concluded that there was a low level of knowledge in the skills of observation and analysis, which could affect the likelihood of sports behavior modification among students and could limit the talented sports area in the Eastern region. The use of cognitive test (Observation, analysis) skills is recommended as a tool to assess the cognitive level related to the kinetic analysis of physical education teachers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This present research also suggests that workshops and periodic education sessions should be organized by relevant institutions and bodies to improve physical education teachers’ knowledge in kinetic analysis.
Kinesiology, movement analysis, qualitative analysis, pedagogical observation, comprehensive observation
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