Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Analysis of the Reasons for Grammar Violations in Some Arabic Poems

(Haifa A. Alhawass, Zaki S. Al_hraiwil)


This study highlights the reasons for grammar violations in some Arabic poems. Existing writings indicate that Arab poets are inclined to this type of violation for a meaningful purpose. This explains the significance of reasons in Arabic language and how important they are in Arabic syntax and linguistics. The study attempts to investigate the approved causes that were indicated in books on poetic necessity. This led to the discovery of twelve reasons, including similarity, returning to origin causes, emphasis, language extension, etc. The study also provides an example for each reason, and it shows how previous publications stressed the necessity for such violation. The study concludes that such violations have a linguistic explanation, and they are therefore linguistically acceptable. It also shows that the most-used reasons for this violation were similarity, the willingness to return to origin, and those associated with phonetic, morphological, syntactic, and semantic levels.

Alleviation, frequent use, linguistic correctness, poetical licenses argumentation, Arabic grammar



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