Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Ibn Aljazri’s Arabic Sounds Classification Problems

(Jihad Abdelqader Hussein Nassar)


Sounds articulation studies is an important part for mastering Quran recitation. It has attracted Ibn Aljazri’s attention in many of his Quranic related publications that examined Arab linguists' opinions. The importance of this search raised in his manifestation of authentic articulation issues including places of articulation and, differences between phone and phoneme. He also identified three approaches adopted by Arab linguists for articulation classifying of which he preferred one. The study aimed to investigate the reality of Ibn Aljazri’s articulation classification, to shed lights on their differences and similarities, to identify his chosen type, and to compare his methodology with modern phonetic studies. The study utilizes the descriptive approach by reviewing other linguists’ opinions related to the issues tackled by Ibn Aljazri including places of articulation, phone and phoneme, number of articulation, and linguists’ attitudes towards those numbers. These points were traced back historically since Al-Khalil era to the latest phonetics studies using comparisons and balance to identify where he stood. The study concluded many results: Ibn Aljazri was a follower and pioneer in classifying the places of articulation, the differences between letter and the sound. The 17 places classification of articulation was his own creation that was not traced to Al-Khalil or any other scholar. His description of some letters articulation was true even when it contradict modern phonetic studies. Key Words: Joining letters, Lips letters, Partially hidden letters, Teeth letters.


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