Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Effectiveness of Counseling Programs Based on the Modification of Irrational Ideas, Self-Regulation, and Integrated Counseling in Reducing Academic Procrastination among Al-Aqsa University Female Students

(Etaf Mahmoud Abu Ghali)


Procrastination is a complex behavioral phenomenon that threatens academic performance and quality. The current study aimed to compare the effectiveness of counseling programs based on the modification of irrational ideas and self-regulation in reducing academic procrastination among Al-Aqsa University female students. The sample consisted of (28) female university students aged 21-22 years. They were randomly assigned to four groups (the counseling group using modification of irrational ideas, the self-regulatory counseling group, the counseling group using modification of irrational ideas and self-regulation, and the control group). The academic procrastination scale, which contains 21 items, was used to assess the students' procrastination. Validity and reliability for the instrument were conducted. The results of the study indicated the effectiveness of the counseling programs in reducing procrastination compared to the control group. In light of the findings, the work recommended using counseling programs based on the modification of irrational ideas and self-regulation to reduce academic procrastination. Key Words: Academic Performance, Behavioral-Emotional-Rational Counseling, Intervention, Self-control.


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