Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Role of the TVTC in Improving the Level of Training in Private Female Training Higher Institutes from Female Trainers’ Point of View in Riyadh

(Kholoud Bint Mohammed Bin Naïf Al Suheimy Al Qahtani)


The study aims to detect the role of technical and vocational training corporation (TVTC) in improving the level of training in the private higher institutes for females from the point of view of trainers in Riyadh. Descriptive survey method was used, and its tool was a questionnaire of four axis including 58 phrases. It was applied after testing for stability and validity on all female members (trainers- supervisors) in the private higher institutes in Riyadh (148 members). The study concluded that the role of the TVTC in improving the level of training is moderate. The study population accepted the suggestions that could improve the role of TVTC in developing the institutions level of training. The statistical differences (0.05) for the study’s population were insignificant regarding the role of the TVTC in improving the level of the training programs, training committee members, and the training environment in the private higher institutes that are attributed to the variables of the study (scientific qualifications, job title, and number of experience years in training in private institutes). The Study’s Recommends reconsidering the portfolios and equipment and upgrading them to conform to the needs of the labor market, activating the role of the institute’s resident supervisor, improving communication between TVTC’s supervisors and the institute’s supervisor, holding workshops and training courses for the institution’s supervisors, developing the mechanisms of TVTC’s supervision, and applying the Learning Management Systems (LMS). Key Words: Training committee, Training environment, Training programs.


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