Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Reality of Female Private Higher Institutes Diploma Training Programs in Riyadh from the Trainees’ Point of View
(Remsh Nasser Saad Alqahtani)Abstract
Training is essential for self-development that benefit individuals, society, and institutions as it aims to induce individuals’ positive changes in behavior and qualify them for job market. The aim of this study was to determine the reality of training process in diploma programs from the point of view of the female trainees to detect its advantages, obstacles and propose possible solutions. This study used the qualitative approach, and designed a questionnaire to collect data from a sample of 217 female trainees in the diploma programs at female private higher institutes in Riyadh. The questionnaire was pre sented to the arbitrators, and tested for validity of its internal consistency. The study found that diploma programs are, in general, satisfactory for the female trainees. This is a result of the presence of necessary elements for training in the institutes. It also indicted that the programs provided the trainees with behavioral skills without any obstacles. Some of the most important suggestions to improve the train ing process is to recruit high quality trainers, involving trainees in the planning of the programs, and updating the training programs according to job market requirements. The researcher recommended that mechanism of comprehensive examination should be reconsidered, im proving the efficiency of programs by providing appropriate training environments, in addition to informing the trainees of the general administration of private training. Key Words: Training obstacles, Training programs.
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