Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Developing Smart Learning Environments in Line with the Future Requirements of Artificial Intelligence: Saudi Universities
(Salim M. Alanazy)Abstract
The current study aims to develop smart learning environments in Saudi universities in line with the future requirements of artificial intelligence. To achieve this goal, a systematic review was conducted on studies published on Scopus and Google Scholar databases from 1990 until 2021 on the development of e-learning in the light of artificial intelligence (in addition to the relevant Arab studies). First, a list of challenges and opportunities for developing smart learning environments according to the future requirements of artificial intelligence was composed. Then, a questionnaire was prepared and reviewed by several academic experts in educational technology in Saudi universities. The study results include many challenges expected to be encountered in the smart learning environments in Saudi universities concerning the future preconditions for artificial intelligence. It also presented a number of opportunities and procedures for facing such challenges and exploiting the opportunities. Finally, some recommendations and suggestions were presented.
Intelligent learning systems, virtual learning, e-learning, higher education, instructional design, formal learning
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