Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

The Design of Metal Jewelry Using Digital Art to Strengthen the National Identity: Saudi Society

(Masouda Alem Qurban, Qamash bin Ali Hussein Al Qamash )


With the advent of informatics, artists competed to attract audiences by producing digital artwork more creatively. Artists have been using computers in every aspect of their daily lives. The use of the mediums and art that the artist wants to express has changed and is varied. This, in turn, helped in the emergence of new artistic classifications in the field of plastic art that highlights the heritage and civilization aspects of Saudi society, as it is based on the foundations and rules generally related to society, such as ideological, philosophical, social, psychological, and cognitive foundations. The Saudi fine art movement always puts in its philosophical considerations the concept of consolidating the Saudi identity for the connoisseur to mark the Saudi fine artwork with a unique philosophical character with educational dimensions. There is no identity without heritage. The researchers thought of the production of digital designs with a Saudi spirit, in which the researchers employed the possible components of the Saudi identity of elements, shapes, decorations, and colors within the framework of preparing proposed digital experimental designs for contemporary jewelry in the field of metalworking in art education.


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