Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Daily Jordanian Press Coverage of the Coronavirus Epidemic: An Analytical Study Ali Munem Al Qudah
(Ali Munem Al Qudah)Abstract
This research seeks to determine the value shown by the media coverage of the Coronavirus pandemic by Al Ghad, a Jordanian daily newspaper, by analysing the content of its coverage between December 2019 to December 2020. A descriptive and analytical approach was adopted to show how the newspaper’s coverage dealt with Coronavirus issues, using a content analysis tool for all types of journalistic editing used during the study period. This research mainly aims to determine the extent of the Coronavirus-related press coverage by the Jordanian newspaper Al Ghad and to assess the content value of this coverage. The results of the press coverage analysis showed that the ‘Research Sample’ section of Al Ghad had extensive and high-value coverage of the Coronavirus pandemic. The analysis also revealed a negative trend in the number of topics covered by Al Ghad newspaper during the study period.
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