Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Biological Modifications to the Human Body through Artificial Intelligence: A Religious Perspective
(Ahmed Saad Ali Al-Boraie , Khaled Mohamed Hamdy Semeda , Mossad Abdul Salam Abdul Khaleq Abdul Salam , El-Tayeb Hassan El-Mahi Hussein )Abstract
Decades ago, genetic engineering and human genome projects created a set of ethical, religious, and legal questions. Scientists have researched these issues and agreed on ethical values and regulations that must be applied to develop these research projects. Today, history is repeating itself due to the artificial intelligence techniques in human augmentation and the implantation of machines in the human body to enhance its biological capabilities and surpass human nature. The transhumanist movement promoted these technologies, designed supernatural humans, and achieved eternal immortality, so some freeze their bodies waiting for those technologies. The study focuses on the most important artificial intelligence technologies in human enhancement and capacity amplification. The study also focuses on transhumanist ideas towards these technologies and projects. In the end, the study clarifies the position of Islamic law regarding this project's ideas, the assertion that Islamic law supports therapeutic interventions that aim to restore the body to its natural state or close to it. At the same time, rejecting all interventions that aim to change the personality, the human identity, and the biological nature that God created human beings.
Digital immortality, human dignity, human enhancement, life extension, mind loading, singularity
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