Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Saudi Arabia’s Colourful Culture: Exploring Colour in Saudi Heritage Homes’ Al-Majlis Rooms

(Douha Attiah and Abeer A. Alawad)


Saudi Arabia considers its architectural heritage a part of its wealth and has extensively tried to preserve it. Several studies on Saudi Arabia’s heritage, particularly its architectural heritage, have been conducted; however, there is a lack of studies detailing elements of the interiors of historical buildings. This study analyses the colours in interior spaces of traditional Saudi Arabian houses. A descriptive-analytical method is applied to eight traditional houses from the four main regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: central, eastern, western and southern. This study demonstrates that the two houses selected from each of the four regions have similarities in the colour scheme and overall visual look and feel of the al-majlis interior space, with only minor differences. In addition, the study finds that each region is characterised by a distinct interior colour palette. Our findings will aid scholars in documenting colour as an important element of interior spaces in traditional houses and will provide a colour reference for designers, companies and paint factories for adaptation of contemporary designs and concepts to prevailing local identities. Additionally, our analytical framework may guide professionals when colour is considered as an element in interior design.

Interior design, architectural heritage, colour design, traditional architecture, historic homes, local identities


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