Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Improved Recreation Skills for Those With Autism and Intellectual Disabilities

(Atef Abdullah Bahrawi)


The study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of training programmes on recreation and entertainment skills provided remotely for people with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disabilities. The researcher used the descriptive approach in his survey input and the study sample was chosen by the stratified random method, where the subjects were distributed in groups and the individuals of the sample were identified. The results indicated that the level of recreational programme planning and implementation was moderate, while the level of follow-up was low. The results also indicated that there are statistically significant differences due to the variables of the recreational training service provider and of the disability category. Special education experts evaluated the effectiveness of the training programmes on recreation and recreational skills through information provided remotely, in general, and in all three areas, to a degree that exceeded the evaluation of families of children with disabilities. To the benefit of the category of intellectual disability, the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences regarding the variables of the student's sex, academic stage, or the tools used in distance education and training. The study recommended conducting further studies dealing with other variables and measuring the impact of providing recreational programs for people with disabilities.

Leisure entertainment skills, recreation skills, intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorder, special education teacher, training programs for the disabled



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