Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Suggested Indicator of Student Achievement in the Course Subject at Grade Level in Public Education Stages
(Abdulhamed Abdullah Al Abdullatif)Abstract
Educational indicators are important tool in achieving the concept of assessment for the sake of learning. Therefore, the aim of this research is to propose an indicator that describes classroom achievement at the public education stages so that those involved in the achievement of education can take appropriate decisions to improve teaching and learning processes. The study used descriptive method. The population of the study includes the educational supervisors in the Public Administration of Evaluation and the directors of the assessment program of academic achievement. A questionnaire was the instrument of the study, and it was applied after testing for validity and stability to a purposed sample of (50) individuals, representing (57 %) of the study population. The proposed indicator structure was based on calculating the arithmetic average of student performance levels. In addition, the proposed indicator, used observed weights associated with these performance levels benefiting from collective estimates method of the Likert method. In order to facilitate interpretation and understanding of the proposed indicator, it was presented as a percentage and displayed according to the stages of public education i.e., Intermediate and High School Achievement Indicator, and Primary School Achievement Indicator. The research included a provision of measurement for the proposed indicator describing the level of academic achievement of the subjects and determining the required remedial plans. The degree of approval of the proposed indicator was very high. Its average was 4.21 for the proposed indicator for the elementary level and the proposed middle school and secondary level. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommended that the Ministry of Education examine and evaluate the proposed indicator. Key Words: Assessment of academic achievement, Assessment for learning, Educational indicators.
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