Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Laws of Syntactic Structure and Speech Creation

(Zaki Saleh Saad Al-Hariol)


This research aims to clarify the syntactic level in linguistic construction and study its effect on both language creativity in general and literary creativity in particular. We show this by highlighting the most important aspects of objection and consent in which the language originator interacts with the systems and laws of language structure. Therefore, we can reach the systemic, compositional features that enrich linguistic creativity by containing and organising the syntactic system for the generators of linguistic creativity and taking into account the grammatical system for the specificity of literary genres and the nature of their formation. The creativity of language, in its ability as a constructor, is the binding of a system. Every language has manifestations that raise the levels of rhetoric, for example, manifestations of fiction, metaphors, images of brevity, or the suggestion of utterance. The overall laws that guide the system have distinct goals. They aim to vary the creative levels as appropriate for the different parts of speech. Language has reached a level of maturity in reasoning, and this is what motivates the creative aspect of the laws of the system to be an essential material that deserves study and circulation.

Eloquence, features, language creativity, literary genres, speaker, syntax



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