Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Identity and Participation Among the New Saudis
(Mongi Zidi , Turki Al-Shalaki , Talal Mohammad Alsaif , Saeed A. Al-Dossary , Desouki Jalal Mohammed Hamed and Ibrahim Al-Husseini Abdel Moneim Hilal )Abstract
An exploratory study was conducted examining the problem of identity and participation among Saudi youth in light of social transformations. The project combined the quantitative and the qualitative curricula and relied on a field study using an electronic questionnaire with a sample of 1318 male and female students from the University of Hail and the participation of 120 students in focus groups during the beginning of the 2020/2021 academic year. The research was based on a number of international and local studies and surveys, and its conclusions were compared with their outcomes. The study outlined a set of indicators that showed the growing expression of the national belonging of the Saudi state in the context of an Arab–Islamic civilisation, a moderate view of the West, a balanced vision of reconciling conservatism with a move towards more openness, and a sense of confidence in the state and in the self. The research also found that the low rate of social participation is matched by a full awareness of its importance and a desire to practise it. The study recommended strengthening the gains of young people and developing areas of participation in proportion to the aspirations of those individuals.
Education on citizenship, leisure time, participatory culture, Saudi society, youth culture, youth participation
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