Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Using E-books to Teach Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Students
(Ali Saud Abdullah Al-Subaie and Khalid Abdulaziz Alasfor)Abstract
This study aimed to identify the attitudes of teachers in Al Amal’s classrooms and institutes at the primary stage regarding the use of e-book in teaching deaf and hard-of-hearing students. Using the Descriptive-Survey Method, 71 teachers of deaf and hard-of-hearing pupils took part in this study. The results found that they had moderate attitudes toward the applicability of using e-book in teaching deaf students. Additionally, results showed that teachers have positive attitudes toward the educational benefits of using e-books in teaching deaf students. The study found no significant differences because of the variables (the place of teaching, the level of education, training courses completed, and the years of experience) on influencing teachers’ attitudes towards the educational benefits of e-books in teaching deaf students. Arising from the study, we could give recommendations related to using e-books in educating deaf and hard-of-hearing students.
Hearing disability, digital book, interactive book, digital content, educational benefit
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