Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
Putting Together Contracts: Drafting and Interpreting, What Participants Need to Know
(Ali Salem Almarri)Abstract
Saudi Arabia is welcoming an increasing number of law graduates with newly obtained degrees from America and Europe to become legal professionals in their own country. Studying abroad has heightened their second language skills and cultivated an essential understanding of American and European law. Once home, they must begin to reconcile Saudi law with international law when drafting contracts and other legal transactions. This article will highlight particular sections of contracts during the drafting process, including strategies and techniques when constructing critical clauses. In addition, the article will discuss facilitating and collaborating with other lawyers, including foreign players. Finally, every contract is different in relation to the contracting parties, their needs and interests, which will be reflected in the content of the clauses. The purpose of this article is to assist Saudi lawyers in expanding their understanding of contract law and the essential elements that produce a competent legal contract that can be embraced by all parties. Certain clauses are presented with further discussion to emphasize the critical advantages for parties in including them in a contract and to present scenarios for proposing these advantages during the drafting stage.
Clause, conditions, covenant, promise, statement, terms
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