Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Digital Skills That Support Researchers

(Amal Mohammed Abdullah Al-Bado)


This study aims to understand the role of digital skills in facilitating scientific research and guiding researchers to their method of choice, the research problem in proportion to the data of the 21st century, and the role of digital skills in supporting researchers’ rational thinking techniques and the process of their creative thinking. This study takes a suitable qualitative approach to reveal the reality of digital skills that support scientific researchers in light of technological advances. Results showed that education and technology are among the most important factors that determine future characteristics and structure of both individuals and societies. The study also explored the nature of the capabilities and skills that researchers must develop in order to have a distinct mindset when conducting their research. 

The fourth industrial revolution,  academic friendship,  technological advances



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