Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences

Global Trends in Practical Education Research 2019–2020: A Systematic Review

(Amani Khalaf Alghamdi and Asma Abdullah Muhammad Al-Shabnoutia)


Five scientific journals were systematically reviewed to determine the most important study directions in curriculum research and science teaching methods published between 2019–2020. These included the Journal of Research in Science Teaching; School Science and Mathematics; International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education; Eurasia Journal of Mathematics; Science and Technology Education; and Research in Science and Technological Education. An analysis of N=126 papers revealed five trends: (a) teaching and learning concepts, (b) Science Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), (c) preparing science teachers, (d) science education technology, and (e) the nature of science (NOS). These five trends were then critically examined to discern respective philosophical and theoretical frameworks. For example, the third trend contained studies related to programs for preparing and qualifying science teachers, science teachers’ professional development, and factors affecting science teachers’ efficiency. The fifth trend contained several points, including both the science teachers and students’ understanding of the NOS, and the development of a science curriculum to improve students' understanding of the nature and structure of science. Further analysis revealed that the 126 papers were conducted using, in descending chronological order, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method approaches. Recommendations were presented for developing research directions for the curriculum and methodology of teaching the field of science.

Global trends, scientific research, the field of practical education, systematic review



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Akuma, F. V. and Callaghan, R. (2019). A systematic review characterizing and clarifying intrinsic teaching challenges linked to inquiry‐based practical work. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(5), 619–48.‏
Akuma, F. V. and Callaghan, R. (2019). Teaching practices linked to the implementation of inquiry‐based practical work in certain science classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(1), 64–90.‏
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Al-tamimi, R. M. and Shatwi, G. D. (2017). Tabieat aleilm ladaa muelimi eulum almarhalat al'asasiat aleulya waealaqatih bimustawaa alfuhmi aleilmii lilqadaya aljadaliati 'The nature of science for teachers of the higher basic stage sciences and its relationship to the level of scientific understanding of controversial issues'. Journal of Educational Sciences, 44(4), 69–82. [in Arabic]
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Beier, M. E., Kim, M. H., Saterbak, A., Leautaud, V., Bishnoi, S. and Gilberto, J. M. (2019). The effect of authentic project‐based learning on attitudes and career aspirations in STEM. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(1), 3–23.‏
Bellocchi, A. (2019). Early career science teacher experiences of social bonds and emotion management. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(3), 322–47.‏
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Blonder, R. (2010). The influence of a teaching model in nanotechnology on chemistry teachers' knowledge and their teaching attitudes. Journal of Nano Education, 2(1-2), 67–75.‏
Boda, P. A. and Brown, B. (2020). Priming urban learners' attitudes toward the relevancy of science: A mixed‐methods study testing the importance of context. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(4), 567–96.‏ 
Boesdorfer, S. B. and Staude, K. D. (2016). Teachers’ practices in high school chemistry just prior to the adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards. School Science and Mathematics, 116(8), 442–58.‏ 
Brinson, J. R. (2017). A further characterization of empirical research related to learning outcome achievement in remote and virtual science labs. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 26(5), 546–60.
Brunner, J. L. and Abd‐El‐Khalick, F. (2020). Improving nature of science instruction in elementary classes with modified science trade books and educative curriculum materials. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 57(2), 154–83.‏ 
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Chao, J., Chiu, J. L., DeJaegher, C. J. and Pan, E. A. (2016). Sensor-augmented virtual labs: Using physical interactions with science simulations to promote understanding of gas behavior. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 25(1), 16–33.‏
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Fiedler, D., Sbeglia, G. C., Nehm, R. H. and Harms, U. (2019). How strongly does statistical reasoning influence knowledge and acceptance of evolution? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 56(9), 1183–206.‏
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