Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Effectiveness of an Enrichment Design Program in the Development of Craftsmen’s Tourism Products in Al Ahsa
(Mohamed Keshar Kamel and Abeer Farouk Ahmed)Abstract
The present research highlights the aesthetic aspects of handicrafts as a component of the material culture of peoples. Al Ahsa has been recently included in the UNESCO’s list of creative cities and as a World Heritage Site. There is a need to develop the products of these crafts as main commodities in the tourism market. In this regard, the research aimed to develop the artisanal product through enriching the design aspects related to it. The experimental methodology was used in the design and implementation of research tools, including an enrichment training program aimed to enrich the design skills of handicraft products among a sample of craftsmen in Al Ahsa. The most important result of the research is that there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the craftsmen (study group) in the pre and post application of the design skills related to the artisan product, in favour of the post application. Besides, the training of craftsmen on design skills has a positive effect in the development of artisan production and tourism promotion through the diversity of its designs away from tradition and repetition. The study recommends the intensification of activities and training programs for artisans to enhance their concept of innovation and provide them with the necessary technical skills. KEYWORDS decorative design, handicrafts, folklore