Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Tetracycline Antibiotics Applications in Agricultural Practices and Their Effects on the Environment: A Review
(Mohammed Ahmed Alsanad)Abstract
Medical applications of tetracycline antibiotics to animals, plants, and people helped the well-being of living
organisms protected them from several diseases. However, large quantities of tetracycline antibiotics can be
secreted with animal dungs and contaminate the environment (soils, surface waters, and ground waters). These
antibiotics also exert selection pressure on soil/water bacteria and promote development of antibiotic resistance.
This review article shows the side effects of using tetracycline antibiotics on soil, surface and ground waters,
human health, and the influence on worldwide economy. It is recommended to reduce the use of antibiotics as well
as apply antibiotics waste management strategies in order to minimize their environmental risks.
Key Words: Antibiotic Resistance, Environment, Soil, Surface and Ground Waters, Global Economy.