Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Parasitological Survey on Tick-borne Piroplasms of Small Ruminants in Eastern Saudi Arabia
(Malik Hassan Al-Rawaih, ElAwad M. El Hassan, and Omer Abdelatif Al-Jabr)Abstract
Piroplasmosis is a serious disease affecting small ruminants around the globe. Determination of its prevalence
in a respective area is a key factor in development of effective control measures. The prevalence of this disease
amongst small ruminants in The Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia was, investigated during the period from
January to December 2010 in the present study. Giemsa-stained thin blood smears and impression smears prepared
monthly from sheep and goats in Al-Dammam, Al-Qatif and Al-Jubail were, examined for the presence of tickborne
piroplasms. A total number of 3211 small ruminants (1698 goats, 1513 sheep) were examined for both
Babesia and Theileria parasites. The overall prevalence of Babesia infection was (36.56%±4.03) while that of
Theileria was (0.06%). Four species of piroplasms were detected in the study area namely Babesia ovis, B. motasi,
Theileria ovis and T. lestoquardi. A percentage of 36.04%±4.23 of the examined goats and 37.27%±5.95 of the
examined sheep were infected with Babesia. The highest seasonal prevalence of Babesia infection was reported
in spring (45.19±4.05) and summer (41.43±6.62), followed by winter (34.02±10.21) and autumn (25.59±8.97).
Ticks identified in this study include Rhipicephalus and Hyalomma. Ardi and Janobi breeds of goats are most
susceptible, followed by crossbreed and Shami breed. In sheep, Neimi breed is the most susceptible followed by
Arabi and crossbreed. Animals over one year of age are more susceptible to infection than those aging less than
one year. No significant difference reported in susceptibility to infection between different sexes of both animal
Key Words: Babesia, Hemoparasites, Impression smear, Prevalence, Province, Theileria.