Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
A Study on Healthy Behaviour (Nutritional Education and Motor Function) of a Sample of Saudi Women and Its Impact on Health Status
(Abeer Ahmad, Angelika Ploeger, Johann Christoph Klotter)Abstract
Saudi women are an important component of national development in all fields as they represent almost half of the total population. The prevalence of obesity among Saudi women increased by 5.9% between 2010 and 2016. They are at greater risk than they were a decade ago for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes when compared to men. Therefore, the main aim of this research is to study the changing patterns and development of chronic non-communicable diseases among women in Saudi Arabia. Specifically, this research examines differences in healthy behaviour (nutritional education and physical activity) between two different generations of women in Saudi Arabia, and the change from a traditional diet to a more modern western diet and whether this might lead to weight gain and the spread of associated chronic diseases. The results of a comparison between two different generations of women in two different generations of women from the cities of Makkah and Al-Bahah showed that both young and elderly women in Al-Bahah had better health and engaged in healthier behaviour than women in Makkah. The results also confirm the hypothesis of a diet change in Saudi Arabia, which is also reflected in health. The study recommends modifying healthy behaviour with a traditional diet and lifestyle, for it may help improve the health of the Saudi population.
Al Bahah, Mecca, nutritional habits, obesity, older generation, young generation
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