Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
The Effect of Additional Graphite on the Physical Properties of a Copper Hybrid Compound Using Powder Technique
(Adnan Raad Ahmed, Abbas Fadhil Khorsheed, Muatazbullah Ibrahim Abdullah)Abstract
In this study, copper-3%WC-graphite hybrid compounds were produced by powder metallurgy. The effect of different concentrations of graphite (0, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%) on sinter density and thermal conductivity of the compounds was studied. The results indicated that the sintering density decreased with increasing graphite concentrations by 16.75%, and the thermal conductivity decreased at a rate of 25.90%. This decrease in thermal conductivity is due to the low thermal conductivity of both WC and graphite.
Powder metallurgy, thermal conductivity, XRD, Cu composites
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