Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Humanities and Management Sciences
The Body’s Semantic Forms and Transformations: The Novel ‘Dance’ as an Example
(Dalal Bander Al-Malki)Abstract
This study stops at the concept of the body its forms and semantic transformations and is investigated in the novel of the Mojeb al-Zahrani "Dance", it stops when it sees the body as a source of value and strength, through several criteria, the most important of which is color, race and gender, and according to these physical criteria the relationship of man is formed by himself and around him, and in harmony or conflict. The study aims to answer the following questions: What are the cultural connotations of the real body? What are the cultural connotations of symbolic incarnations? The study uses approaches that achieve its objectives, including the cultural, semiotic and descriptive approach. The most important results. First, the research presented the concept of the body and its synonyms and the likelihood of choosing the icon of the body specifically, because it is the most indicative of the living human body. Second, the research divided the body into two types according to its specific identity, namely the female identity and the male identity, and the characters embodied in the two types. Third, the search revealed the reverence of the peasant for his body, and his promise of strength. Fourth, the research approached the criteria of religious and social value on the body. Fifth, the novel attempted to reassess the perception of marginalized figures in society and to go beyond the physical classifications that lead to racial segregation among members of the same society The most important recommendations. The first is studying the development of the uses of the body and its artistic levels in the Saudi novel, which deals qualitatively with this icon, as it is a religious and social sacred that reduces the cultural transformant that cannot be directly stated. The second is focusing on the body with its male identity, as criticism as well as the novel rarely deal with this physical identity. The third is focusing on linguistic patterns and abstract images that lead to physical connotations and carry signs of different cultural dimensions, because they are stylistic mechanisms that influence semantic formation. Keywords: Dancing novel, mojeb alzahrani, the body in the novel, the symbolism of the body, the social, religious, cultural dimension
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