Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Humanities and Management Sciences
The Features of Conflict in Ibn Aljazzar Al-Sarqusti's Poetry (D 480H)
(Saeed bin Musfer Almalki)Abstract
The works of Ibn Aljazzar Al-Sarqusti have not been the focus of many studies recently. Few are the endeavors to uncover the innovatory side of his poetry. In fact, critics have almost neglected his poetry oeuvre, paying little attention to the various issues pertaining to its form and content. This study, therefore, in an attempt to shed some light on what has for long been on the margin of current critiques, probes a key theme to Ibn Aljazzar’s and his contemporaries’ texts. The paper tackles the features of conflict as a pivotal thematic element in the poetry of Ibn Aljazzar Al-Sarqusti. It includes an introduction, two major parts and a conclusion. The first part of the paper discusses the elements of internal conflict while the second deals with the manifestations of conflict with the other in Ibn Alazzar's poetry. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the causes and factors what contributed to conflict in his texts.
The study concludes that conflict, in both of its forms, in Ibn Aljazzar Al-Sarqusti’s poetry is a significant phenomenon caused by a number of personal, social, intellectual, and political factors which played an important role in bringing it to the foreground of his poems. Furthermore, the study reveals new, previously unexplored aspects and details of the poet’s life.
Key Words: Al-Sarqusti, conflict, features, Ibn Aljazzar, poetry.