Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences
Economic Analysis of Carp Fish Farming in Jordan Valley
(Mohamed Salem Al-Tarawneh and Ibrahim Suleiman Tahat)Abstract
Fish meat is an important animal protein and nutrients that is needed for human body growth. This work aims to study the production costs of forty fish farms to determine the optimal size of production and optimum space and compare them with the actual size and space realized. Research results showed that feed accounted for 44.89% of total costs while the ponds cost formed 3.71 of the total costs. The results also indicated that farmers do not achieve the optimal size of the production of 42.35 tons from the optimal farm size of 25.82 Donum (one Donum= 1000m2). Cost elasticity was 6.7% with an average income of 63750 Jordanian Dinar (one Jordanian Dinar, JD= 1.41 $) during a production season of seven months. The net profit reached 9800 JD, with a profit margin of 26610 JD. Revenues ratio of costs was 1.18. This indicates that every dinar invested in this project will yield 18% of the Jordanian dinar. In light of these results, it is recommended to secure fodders at accepted prices to farmers as well as activating the role of agricultural extension in the field of fish farming.
Key Words: Fish farm optimal Size, Production Costs, Valley of Jordan