Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Basic and Applied Sciences

The Importance of Mapping Geomorphological Hazards for Mass Movements in Mountainous Areas: A Comparative Study between Morocco and France

(Darif Jawad)


The natural hazard map associated with mass movements is a key document for determining the degree of risk (very high, high, medium and low)in a region, based on the study of a set of geologic, topographic, climatic and human factors. This map plays an important role in France, where it is incorporated into construction documents to direct the expansion of cities towards areas that are not threatened by these movements; the law also gives citizens the right to obtain this map so they can understand the type of movements that are likely to occur in their region. As for Morocco, the risk map does not receive such due consideration, despite the contributions of scientific research, which has facilitated the development of a set of risk maps of mass movements, particularly in rural areas. This study aims to compare the Moroccan and French experiences in managing mass movements, and to also identify other developed countries’ strategies in this field, in order to adopt a national plan for management of this natural danger. The comparative approach was utilised, where the two countries were compared in terms of their reliance on the risk maps of mass movements, and then the descriptive approach was used, referencing a set of geomorphological maps that had been created across different periods.

Morocco, France, map, mass movements, mountainous regions, administration



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