Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University
Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University / Humanities and Management Sciences

King Abdul Azizs Attitude Towards Corruption and his fighting efforts

(Daial Ali eldaiel El Khaldi)


Corruption is a human associated phenomenon since their existence on earth. It penetrates, decays, and destroys communities. In several verses, the Holy Quran discussed corruption and informed us about ancient nations corruption and how did Allah destroy them as a result. The heavenly messages were intended to reform earth and fight corruption. It is clear that King Abdul Aziz had succeeded in facing corruption throughout his reign, thus it is necessary to apply his successful corruption combating style. This research aimed to identify corruption aspects at the time of the Kingdom establishment in addition to the rules and mechanisms, which King Abdul Aziz relied upon to face corruption, and his personal quality that helped him make it. Descriptive and analytical approaches were used throughout collecting historic information from its original sources comprised of King Abdul Azizs speeches, orders, royal decrees, and sources written by his reign contemporaries in addition to the references written by later researchers. This was followed by analyzing of all these resources. The main findings indicated that King Abdul Aziz had a unique success in combating corruption that cannot be found throughout the ages except for the early era of Islam. This success was due to several characteristics including; his personality, piety, fear of God; his adherance to Gods guidance, insight hard working, his political and administrative talents, his social intelegent, and pure nature in addition to his skills of selecting effictive means and mechanisms, especially effective communicating with citzens, judiciary respect, justice, and applying eqity among people. Key Words: Establishment of KSA, Integrity, Justice, Reform.
