Scientific Journal Of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences


Scientific Journal of King Faisal University: Basic and Applied Sciences

Feeding potential of faidherbia Albida ripe pods for sudan desert goats

(Ibrahim Awad Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and)


This study was conducted to assess the nutritive value of F.albida (Haraz) as a fodder tree. A total of 28 entire,6-8 months Sudan desert male goat kids were used for the study . The kids were randomly allocated in groups of seven to four diets containing 0.00,15,30 and 45% dry F.albida pods designated treatment 1(control),2,3 and 4. The diets were offered in a pelleted form ad libitum in a 12 weeks feeding trial. Eight kids (two from each group) were utilized for the digestibility trial immediately after the termination of the feeding trial .
